The temperature in Jammu and Kashmir today, on October 5, 2024, is -1.61 °C. The day’s forecast indicates a minimum and maximum temperature of -5.14 °C and 0.27 °C, respectively. The relative humidity is 40% and the wind speed is 40 km/h. The sun rose at 06:18 AM and will set at 06:01 PM.Tomorrow, on Sunday, October 6, 2024, Jammu and Kashmir is predicted to experience a minimum and maximum temperature of -5.93 °C and -0.37 °C, respectively. Tomorrow humidity levels will be at 35%.With temperatures ranging between -5.14 °C and 0.27 °C, prepare for chilly conditions throughout the day. If you are sensitive to cold conditions, you should plan and consider appropriate attire or activities suitable for the prevailing weather, Weather and AQI predictions in Jammu and Kashmir for next 7 days,