Punjab Kings match-winner Shashank Singh said that his mentality of always going in to bat thinking he is the best helped him conquer the imposing 200-run target set by Gujarat Titans in an IPL game here on Thursday. Shashank slammed an unbeaten 29-ball 61 as PBKS won the match by three wickets on the penultimate ball of the thrilling encounter.”They (senior players) are the legends of the game, but when I go to bat I think I am the best. You get experience, couldn’t get a lot of matches before. Here the owners and coaching staff backed me. I was very confident,” said the 32-year-old all-rounder, who outshone GT skipper Shubman Gill on the day with his pyrotechnics and winning mentality.The Player-of-the-Match added that the victory is yet to sink in.”(Win) still trying to sink in. Visualised all these things, but when it turned into reality, proud of the effort. Coach told me to react to the ball. The wicket is very good, the bounce was good. 200 scored by both teams, so the wicket was fantastic,” he added.PBKS skipper Shikhar Dhawan credited the pair of Shashank and Ashutosh Sharma (31 off 17 balls) for the morale-boosting victory. It was an amazing game. Very, very close. Boys did the job. Plan was to give a good start, but I got out early. We lost a few wickets early and Shashank came and played a tremendous knock,” Dhawan said.”When you are chasing a big total, you have to keep the momentum going. Shashank showed his class. Magnificent knock. He timed the ball so nicely, it looked effortless.